Marriage Minute

One Minute Can Change Your Marriage

Marriage Minute
and the perfect time is now

Marriage Resources

We have a grass roots strategy for strengthening marriages and families.

Our goal is to empower community & faith leaders to be self-sufficient and balanced in Marriage Ministry by meeting the needs of your specific church or area in order to be sustainable to serve in your community.

Check out our free resources for encouragement and wisdom for marriage including: the 6-Minute Prayer, Adventures in Marriage, Marriage 911, 7-Tips for a Healthy Marriage.  As well as: State, County, and Pastor Marriage Proclamations for National Marriage Week and more!

Be sure to get more information on how to attend a Weekend to Remember, or one of our local Date Nights that can be a great blessing for your marriage.

Jerry Angelo & Kate Angelo - Adventures in Marriage
Register for Adventures in Marriage


The estimated cost to the public is about $31k per divorce.
By investing $900k in the Community Marriage Initiative in 2017, the divorce rate was reduced by 28% saving taxpayers $28.4 million.

Marriage Minute is a community marriage initiative

Marriage Minute
Couples Seeking Marriage Help

If your marriage is in crisis, we want to help.
Please contact us so we can get you the right resources.

Marriage Minute
Churches Seeking Assistance
Planting a Marriage Ministry

Are you a church or ministry leader with a passion to see marriages and families thrive in your community?
We have a simple plan to get you started right away!
Please contact us and let us know your needs.

Dreaming of a Better Marriage?


We’re here to help! Subscribe for instant access to tools that will help strengthen and repair your relationships. You can take your marriage to a whole new level!

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Your friends at Vanguard Marriage and Family Advocates are the driving force that makes this effort possible.